Planned Giving Menu:

Join Moonbeams Circle

Photo of 2018 Reunion Moonbeams Circle members

Moonbeams CircleThe Moonbeams Circle, formerly The Heritage Society, of Miss Porter’s School was established by the Board of Trustees in 1992 to honor individuals who have included the school in their estate plans. The school is grateful to those listed below who have demonstrated their visionary leadership by including the school in their estate plans. Among the various types of planned gifts that are recognized by membership in Moonbeam Circle are bequests, IRA gifts and beneficiary designations, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and gifts of property and life insurance.

The school values the opportunity to recognize those forward-thinking individuals who are making an especially personal and meaningful gift through their estate plans. Donors are encouraged to let Susan Walker know of their plans if they have not already done so.


Mimi Colgate Kirk ’57

Members who joined the Moonbeams Circle between July 1, 2018 and September 15, 2019 are in bold.

Anonymous (1)
Anonymous (7)
†Anonymous (5)
Margaret Cox Abbott '67
†Frances Daggett Aldrich '42
†Augusta Robinson Alsop '42
Sarah Schwab Ambrogi '80
Dr. Samuel F. Babbitt
Barbara Babcock '55
†Marian Wood Baird '33
Cheryl R. Baity '77
†Lucille Parsons Balcom '30
Magaly Barajas-Roman '94
Dukin Kim Barber '89
†Laura Bilkey Barclay '50
Jennifer S. Bard '80
Edith McBride Bass '50
Mr. Bruce B. Bates
Fraser Bennett Beede '81
†Alice Babst Bent '27
†Mr. Donferd Berg
†Elizabeth Collin Biddle '47
P. Ridgely Horsey Biddle '80 and Mr. Edward E. Biddle
†Mr. E. Richard Bigelow
Mary Mendle Bird '60
Elizabeth Kilcullen Blake '69
Susan Robinson Bowers '59
Sandra Bramhall '54
Lucy Joyce Brennan '52
†Elizabeth Buffinton Briggs '44
Nancy Pierce Briggs '50
Amy A. Brodigan '78
Diana Dwyer Brooks '68
†Ms. Clarissa L. Bushman
Joyslin Withington Bushman '46
Dale Pirie Cabot '49
Deborah Winston Callard '56
Nora Leake Cameron '60
†Mr. Francis J. Carey
Katharine O. Carpenter '80
Elisabeth Cole Carpentieri '57
Anne Cox Chambers '38
Jean Marckwald Chapin '56
Nancy M. Chatfield '74
†Mrs. Marjorie S. Childress
Anne C. Childs '74
†Mr. Thomas C. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Clear
Mrs. Jerrie Clear
NancyBell Coe '66
†Nancy Tenney Coleman '38
Hope Stout Connors '55
Marjorie Wyckoff Cook '44
†Cynthia Laughlin Cooper '47
Mary Martin Craigmyle '55
Emily Ridgway Crisp '59
Dorothy Macdonald Crocker '65
Sophia D. B. Cue '86
Sarah B. Cummings '07
Lucy Pulling Cutting '54
Margaret Porter Davis '52
Maude S. Davis '52
Mary Wallace de Compiegne '50
Alice M. DeLana
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dettmer
Mr. Robert V. Deutsch
Sandra Mueller Dick '67
Deborah F. Diserens '68
Barbara Baldwin Dowd '67
Clover Macdonald Drinkwater '64
Tracy Cooper Drippe '79
†Alexandra F. Ehret '56
Lulie Pierpont Eide '67
Isobel L. Ellis '81
Priscilla Wear Ellsworth '58
Lyda B. Ely '83
Mary Burke Engstrom '53
†Judith Peck Erdman '44
†Eleanore Darling Everdell '31
Mary Ellen Nichols Fahs '54
Ann Posey Ferguson '56
Janet Isham Field '66
Mary Hallock Fields '62
Sarah Faile Fogarty '59
†Laura E. Ford '63
†Mrs. M. Burch Tracy Ford
†Mr. Dexter Foss
Ms. Sarah P. Foss
Petria Horner Fossel '69

Wendy Taylor Foulke '61
Paulette Bragg Fownes '42
Charlotte Johnson Frisbie '58
Tracy D. Gary '69
Mr. Graham H. Gavert
†Peggy Nash Gifford '48
Linda Boyer Gillies '57
Carolyn Cutler Goodman '61
Jean McBride Greene '51
†Mr. John K. Greene
Cynthia Greenleaf '65
Joan Wyeth Greer '51
Ann Richards Gridley '58
Beatrice Holden Guthrie '59
†Gay Cumings Hackett '59
Elizabeth C. Hager '73
Jingle Igleheart Hagey '65
Anne D. Hall '63
Kirke Hoffman Hall '89
Margery MacMillan Hamlen '62
Elizabeth Pyle Handler '83
Susan M. Harding '63
Molly Slocum Harris '47
†Mr. Richard M. Harris, Jr.
Rebecca Miller Harvey '59
†Jane Snow Hatch '53
Lucile Walker Hays '56
Hanna McCrum Henderson '74
Kris Moller Henley '85
Sheila Lewis Henry '60
Diana Ferris Hobson '60
Mary Ann BonDurant Hodgkins '54
Judith Milliken Holden '68
Deming Pratt Holleran '61
†Elisabeth Nicholson Holmes '54
†Mr. Henry R. Horsey
Lisa Rahe Hough '89
Pauline Kammer Hudson '61
Kirk Dyett Huffard '61
Ginevra Mitchell Hunter '43
†Eleanor Koehler Ingersoll '49
Adrienne Osborne Ives '50
Emily Costello Jacobs '02
Christina M. Johnson '97
Grace Butler Johnson '62
Emily Graves Jones '60
Marie B. Kalat '67
†Virginia Lowry Kalat '39
†Katharine Daniels Kane '52
†Patricia Landon Kauders '41
Mr. Jacques D. Kerrest
AnnaRose M. King '04
Mimi Colgate Kirk '57
†Elizabeth Tieken Kirkpatrick '64
Audrey L. Klein '83
Mrs. Simon Konover
†Emily Lincoln Lanier '24
Isabel Bryan Leib '46
Roxanne McCormick Leighton '63
Anne McCutcheon Lewis '61
Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis
†Phyllis Holbrook Lichtenstein '60
Sally Shepley Lilly '51
†Polly Kinnear Lincoln '44
Dr. Thomas L. Lincoln
†Julia W. Linsley '46
Sarah Klish Liu '90
Mr. H. Gates Lloyd
Anne Gibb MacKenzie '49
†Margery Jones MacMillan '37
†Caroline Morgan Macomber '50
Mr. John D. Macomber
Sarah Cummings Madle '81
†Juliet Flynt Marillonnet '41
Lois Cochran Marshall '58
†Helen Zanetti Marx '56
Barbara Loether Mathieu '68
Darcy S. Mauro '83
Katrina Kanzler Maxtone-Graham '52
†Elizabeth Simonds Maynard '47
Ms. Julia J. McCormack
†Bertha Brooks McCormick '31
Jill Viens McCulley '96
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McNealy
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael McQuade
Evelyn B. McVeigh '59
†Elizabeth Mead Merck '38
Nancy Snow Middleton '44
Sally Winsor Miller '52
Tina Crisp Miller '87
†Mr. David M. Mixter
†Stephanie Leonard Mixter '39
Kendall Bailey Montgomery '59

Margaret Morgan '76
Daphne N. Muchnic '74
†Eleanor Sage Munger '46
†Binney White Nast '55
Sherley Smith Newell '57
†Adelaide McAlpin Nicholson '40
Diane A. Nixon '53
Anne Stillman Nordeman '65
Ann Oberrender Noyes '76
Theodora Oakes O'Hara '43
†Obidimma O. Okobi '94
Elizabeth Denny Oneglia '95
Katherine F. Osterman '97
†Mr. William Hall Painter
Ellen McCance Parker '54
Susan Bissell Parker '60
†Patricia O'Brien Parsons '47
Jean Hamilton Pearman '59
Dr. William A. Petit, Jr.
Margaret Taylor Phelps '44
Marnie Stuart Pillsbury '61
†Lois Wodell Poinier '35
Martha Kimball Pomerantz '77
Ann Ellis Powel '38
Elizabeth Cushman Putnam '51
Victoire Griffin Rankin '60
Susan Marks Reed '82
Nina S. Reeves '73
†Emily Parsons Ridgway '29
Katherine Duff Rines '67
Susan Z. Ritz '71
Letitia Roberts '60
Pamela Butler Roberts '63
Eleanor Perkins Robinson '76
Sarah Finnie Robinson '74
Elizabeth Standish Sackson '83
Mr. Alexis P. Salsedo-Surovov
Page Poinier Sanders '61
Carlin Whitney Scherer '52
Tina Shapleigh Schmid '66
Julia Wight Schniewind '58
Kyle L. Schott '98
Anne-Lane Byrd Schubert '91
Lisa Townson Seaman '77
Barbara Bates Sedoric '75
Elise de Compiegne Shatto '85
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sherwood
Mr. Peter M. Sherwood
†Patricia Coombe Shiverick '42
Leslie Powell Siggs '57
Lisa A. Silhanek '77
Anne Larsen Simonson '47
Nancy Klingenstein Simpkins '73
Anne Dodge Simpson '53
Marguerite Jamison Sisson '57
Cordelia M. Sklansky '07
†Nancy Buckingham Snowdon '33
†Mrs. Grahame Somerville
Margot Hawley Spelman '53
Martha McKown Spofford '55
Karen T. Staib '90 and Mr. Benjamin Hollenshead
Elizabeth Haneman Staniford '63
Dorothy Walker Stapleton '65
Annie Ward Stern '62
Louise L. Stevenson '66
†Mr. James I. Stockwell
†Sarah-Lee Biddle Stokes '39
Marcia Dines Strickland '50
Ashley Jones Tagatac '82
Emily M. Taylor '05
Milbrey Rennie Taylor '64
Nancy Bryan Taylor '47
Chartis Bell Tebbetts '58
Diana Russell Terlato '86
Mary McGrath Thacher '50
Claire E. Theobald '84
Susan D. Thomas '54
Leontine M. Thomson '65
Joan Ingram Thorndike '54
Susan Fisher Thorness '66
Kemi Tignor '94
†Barbara Burke Tilley '35
Marilen Grosjean Tilt '60
Katharine Richmond Trotman '60
†Edith Daniels Tucker '48
†Josephine Ross Turner '42
Marjorie Greenleaf Valliere '61
Gloria Barnes Van Norden '41
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre van Rooy
†Marcia Doherty Vermillion '47
Claire Sutherland Wade '81
Lucinda Schaefer Walker '63
Susan MacColl Walker
Joan McCance Warner '52
Ruth Robinson Warner '45
Anita Barker Weeks '77
Jennifer Gorzelany Weinheimer '95
Nancy White Wheeler '90
Mr. John C. Wilcox
Alice L. Wilding-White '76
Magrieta Livingston Willard '66
Alice Hamblin Williams '79
Katherine G. Windsor, Ed.D. and Dr. Jonas Katkavich
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wrobel, Jr.
†Dr. John H. Wulsin
Patricia Plum Wylde '58

Photo of Susan MacColl WalkerSusan MacColl Walker
Director of Gift Planning


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